5 Best Internet Service Providers in Toronto

Nowadays, there are many internet service provides in Toronto except the big guys like Rogers and Bell. Compared to the big internet service provides, small provides usually provide better deals with much more affordable prices.

I have picked five below best alternative internet service providers in Toronto.

CIK Telecom
The company is providing a mix of cable, FTTN, fibre internet plans across Canada. In addition, CIK is offering other services such as VoIP phone, TV, home security services. It is one of the internet service providers offering internet packages with lowest prices in the market of Toronto.

It is another famous independent ISP in Canada, and have the similar product line as CIK. Their pricing of internet service cannot compete with other small providers, but their customer service is pretty good.

IVC Telecom
It is a Quebec based ISP, but the company expend their services to Ontario in 2019. IVC is only providing internet and phone services now. All of their internet packages are unlimited bandwidth, and has the great value deals in the market.

The company is only focusing on fibre internet service. If you live in a condo, and pretty affordable high speed internet, it would be a very good option to choose this company. However, the disadvantage is that only some buildings in Toronto have access to its network.

Cannet Telecom
This company is only offering the internet service, which mixes cable, DSL and fibre internet. Currently, their speeds range from 75mbps to 1000mbps, with price from $30 to $65.

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